2024 Schedule Updates & Maternity Leave

Can you believe it’s already November? This year has flown by, and with that so has this pregnancy. With that said, many of you have had questions about my pregnancy journey as well as questions surrounding maternity leave and I just wanted to provide you all some brief updates.

As of writing this I am currently 23 weeks, which is a little more than halfway there. I'm feeling great, baby is doing good and I'm working my normal schedule. As long as my body feels good, I plan on continuing to work until I go into labor. Now let's dive into next year's schedule and my maternity leave.

2024 Schedule

Many of you who are diligent about booking future appointments may have noticed that you are unable to book into 2024. This is intentional as I create my schedule for the upcoming year around this time. You will be able to book into January 2024 starting December 18th, 2023.

Normally I open my schedule up for 90 days at a time, which means you can see availability for the next 90 days from whatever day you are looking. Because I am due at the very beginning of March, I will only be opening up my 2024 schedule 30-14 days at a time, just in case I go into labor early and I'd hate to have to cancel a whole bunch of your appointments. I hope this makes sense.

Maternity Leave

As for maternity leave, it will start once I actually have the baby, provided my body feels good, so at this time I do not have a set date. I intend to take 6-8 weeks off depending how my postpartum healing goes, and I intend to come back slowly. As of now, nothing is set in stone, but I will definitely keep you updated as to what that will look like once we are closer.

Gift Cards & Packages

As of right now, I have put all gift card and Nurtured Package sales on hold as I am currently booked through the rest of the year and will be giving birth sometime at the beginning of next year. I would hate for someone to purchase something and not be able to fulfill it in a timely manner.

Hopefully this answers some questions you may have had, and if you are still unsure, please don't hesitate to reach out.


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